
Down East Tours is listed on TripAdvisor and as we are a newly formed/named company, we are still building our reviews under our new name.    Please check us out and if you have toured with us in the past (under the old company), please leave us a review !

TripAdvisor  is an American travel and restaurant website company that shows hotel and restaurant reviews, accommodation bookings and other travel-related content. It also includes interactive travel forums.  

Headquartered in Needham, Massachusetts, TripAdvisor is the largest "social travel website" in the world, with about 315 million reviewers (active and inactive) and about 500  million reviews of hotels, restaurants, attractions and other travel-related businesses. TripAdvisor was an early adopter of user-generated content. The website services are free to users, who provide most of the content, and the website is supported by a hotel booking facility and an advertising business model.